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  • “The most inspirational book I have read in my 86 years, and I’ve read a few!”
    – Denise Pyle
    Quaker and life-long change activist, UK
  • “Guy Dauncey has written an imaginative tour de force, blending science, philosophy, and fiction into a delightful story about how we can and must change the world, resulting in a bright green future.”
    – David R. Boyd
    Co-­chair of Vancouver's greenest city initiative and author of The Optimistic Environmentalist
  • “This is a practical and fantastic guide to lead us forward to a peaceful future. Truly greenspirational. Jam packed with brilliant ideas that are do­able and attractive. Let’s get to building this vision!”
    – Angela Bischoff
    100% Renewable Energy Organizer, Toronto
  • “Guy Dauncey's brilliant book shows there are solutions to the climate crisis that offer a future rich in opportunity and joy. All we need is to make a commitment to act.”
    – David Suzuki
    Scientist, Environmentalist and Broadcaster
  • “This unique book will surely inspire hope and action for a better world.”
    – Michael Marien
    Futurist, Global Foresight Books

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guy-bio-photo.jpgGuy Dauncey is a motivational speaker, author, and organizer who works to develop a positive vision of a sustainable future, and to translate that vision into action. He lives in Yellowpoint, near Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, Canada.